During the month of May the Speedwatch Team (Speedwatch) have undertaken 5 sessions. Two sessions each on Mattersey Road and Sutton Lane and one on Town Street.
Speedwatch registered 85 vehicles driving at speeds in excess of 35 mph and all have been reported to Nottinghamshire Police. The cumulative results from March 2023 are shown below and the percentage of speeding vehicles entering the respective Speedwatch zones are now: Mattersey Road, 14%, Sutton Lane, 10%, Town Street 2% and Station Road 1%.
Whilst Town Street and Station Road experience some speeding Speedwatch believe that based on a subjective assessment, feedback from residents living on those roads, Speedwatch are under reporting, as it is mainly out of hours, early mornings and late evenings when we do not stand Speedwatch.
Of note during the month has been the dangerous driving, the excessive speeds of the two vehicles, entering the village on Mattersey Road at speeds of 74 mph and 94 mph as reported in the post below. These two vehicles in particular and Speedwatch findings to date have been reported to Nottinghamshire Police Inspectorate and the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Nottinghamshire. The response from the PCC in particular, will be reported on this website, in due course.