Well it has to be said that the weather was not so kind to us on Saturday but that did not daunt the good number of villagers and visiting Parish Councils from attending at your village hall.
On display outside were the Fire and Rescue Service who had a tender on site, the Traffic Safety Camera Team who fielded two of their detector vehicles one on display and the other out on deployment in the village. Whilst inside was an exhibition of the work of the Speedaware group from Sutton Parish Council and the Speedwatch Team. One of the aims of the event was to promote and gather ideas from local residents on what the Speedaware group might consider as a means of speed mitigations in the village. You were not short of ideas, amazing what a bun and a cup of tea does to stimulate discussion. Those ideas will be further investigated with the responsible authorities, NCC Highways and Notts Police.
The SpeedWatch stand generated a great deal of interest from visiting Parish Councils. Another of our aims is to encourage other Parishes to adopt Speedwatch. From feedback we have already received, there are half a dozen or so Parishes in Bassetlaw that will be setting up their own schemes. We believe there is a synergy in having a cluster of local villages who adopt the Speedwatch Team’s approach. Sutton’s Speedwatch might be the first of its type in Bassetlaw but certainly not the last.
So what of the deployment of the Traffic Safety Camera Team? The Camera was operated on Mattersey Road in the rain and Sutton Lane during late morning and early afternoon. On Mattersey Road, 8 motorists were caught speeding and on Sutton Lane 13. So those 21 drivers can expect a letter in the post this week. One driver will be going to court having been “gunned” at 51 mph on Sutton Lane, barely moderating speed as he/she sailed passed the detector van onto Town Street.
Our thanks to all who supported our event, the Police Force, Fire Brigade, Sutton Parish Council, visiting Parish Councils, County & District Councillors, Sutton Neighbourhood Watch and of course all of you who came along to share your concerns and ideas.